Terreno en Partida Casilla, km 5
Terreno de 56.000 m2 (5,6 ha) en varios niveles, edificable hasta 1120m2. Vistas impresionantes al monte y rodeado de pinos. Construye tu casa rural o/y un hotel rural con cabañas, camping...

Terreno en No, 1
Particular vende finca con Masía en el municipio de Planes de la Baronía, provincia de Alicante, entre Alcoy y la costa, junto a la carretera que enlaza Benimarfull y Almudaina. Tiene una su...

Terreno en Cv-710, 51
Hacienda de olivos con planos de construcción a la venta. La licencia de construcción está aprobada, pero debe renovarse. Si quieres despertarte cada día en silencio, en medio de los olivos,...
The average price of a building plot in Planes is 174 167 € is located on the outskirts of the city in areas of future development.
While the price of the cheapest land for development is 68 500 € as it is usually in the most distant parts where the general planning of the municipality has not sectorized the land hence the name urabanizable land not sectorized, not delimited or not programmed to build it in the future.
The most expensive land for development has a price of 385 000 € and it is usually sectorized land, programmed and is waiting for the development of the area to begin as well as the urbanization of the streets.
List of all areas to buy real estate in Spain
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