Terreno en Partida del platero s/n
Se vende terreno de suelo rústico de más de 30 tahullas de superficie, unos 35.000 m2. Se encuentra solo a 1km de San Fulgencio, 7 km de la costa y cerca de La Marina y Guardamar. Tierra en...

Terreno en San Fulgencio
6. Terreno → Terreno rural en San Fulgencio zona Pedreño. San Fulgencio, 6000 m. terreno con una plantación de granado en plena cosecha, con sistema de riego, vallado, tiene una casa de albe...

Terreno en Partida lo Pedreño, 178
Parcela agrícola de 6473 m2, entre dos acequias de riego. Venta por particular contacte al 606088759 o 649344206.
The average price of a plot of undeveloped land in San Fulgencio is 103 700 € is usually agricultural land near villages with the possibility of building something.
While the value of the cheapest undeveloped land is 41 100 € as it is usually in parts with access only on foot, have little fertile or rocky land, for being protected land in which you can not even build a warehouse.
The most expensive undeveloped land has a price of 195 000 € and is usually land in agricultural production, livestock or have the possibility of building a house to have more than 10000m2 as well as having a better access, water, electricity on the plot and other amenities
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