List of the districts and neighborhoods of this city
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Con su estudio creativo, buscan crear una imagen diferente e innovadora de la propiedad, optimizándola al máximo para facilitar su venta.

TuKsa Gestión Inmobiliaria - a family company. Abierta desde abril de 2011 con gran éxito de público y clientes en Ávila. Nuestras oficinas están situadas en la zona sur de la ciudad, C/ Nuestra Señora de Sonsoles 95. Trabajamos ventas y alquileres, particulares y activos bancarios, fondos de inversión, con todas las garantías. Sigue nuestras redes sociales y enterate de las últimas novedades antes que nadie

Professionals at Camarasa Real Estate are undoubtedly an excellent choice due to their education and knowledge acquired over more than 40 years of work in the city, applied to the new era of the market. They offer the best personalized service and have access to the best tools to achieve optimal results, using marketing tools and cutting-edge technological resources.

Nowadays, it is increasingly important to turn to professionals when making such an important decision as buying or selling real estate. For this reason, at Tecnocasa, they work every day to offer customers the best service.

Continuous commercial consultations, based on research of current markets and the needs of their clients, make their management one of the most efficient. As a novelty, they have expanded their portfolio of services to meet the needs of all their clients, adding services such as home staging, decoration and interior design, non-construction renovations, and comprehensive renovations, both to prepare the property for sale and after purchase

NEOURBE, S.L. - This is a commercial organization specializing in real estate management and intermediation, with a particular focus on the residential sector. The company's leading specialists have professional experience ranging from 27 to 50 years and are actively involved in this field. While the main operations are carried out in the province of Ávila, the company also provides services in other adjacent geographic areas, thanks to its extensive experience in Madrid and the entire autonomou...