AM Property is a company that drives towards its clients with enthusiasm, competence and passion.
Their philosophy focuses on listening to their clients' dreams, understanding their ideas and finding exactly what they are looking for. Through personal meetings, they make sure to understand the preferences and needs of each client to find the perfect home, whether to enjoy alone, as a couple or as a family.
They recognize that housing is one of the most important assets both economically and emotionally for most people. Therefore, they are committed to helping their clients find the ideal home where they can enjoy their best moments or leave a legacy for future generations.
At AM Property, they strive to offer the best to their clients, providing a wide range of high quality services. Its objective is to invest in the dreams of its clients and deploy all its professionalism with passion and dedication.
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Tax NumberB13791652
Ya que tan amablemente piden explicaciones para que recordar quién soy y por qué doy esta puntuación... Soy la persona a la que vendisteis una casa el año pasado con un certificado de "libre de cargas" que escondía unas tuberías de fibrocemento y una derrama aprobada sin cuantía cerrada por unas bajantes absolutamente podridas, a sabiendas o no (que ya dudo que no supierais nada con lo buena clienta vuestra que era la parte vendedora), proceso del que os desentendisteis por completo una vez cobrada vuestra comisión, dejándome por delante meses de obras y una derrama de miles de euros. Comprenderéis que no estoy nada contenta con haberos pagado por ayudar a alguien a estafarme. Aún tengo la factura de vuestros "servicios", por si os ha pasado más veces y no me ubicáis exactamente.