Room in shared apartment in Vigo

Room in shared apartment in Vigo

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa De Urzaiz. The property includes balcony and tv.

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa De Urzaiz. The property includes balcony and tv.

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa De Urzaiz. The property includes balcony and tv.

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa De Urzaiz. The property includes balcony and tv.

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa Nazario González. The property is on the 3rd floor of a building with an elevator. The property includes communal courtyard, dishwash...

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa Nazario González. The property is on the 3rd floor of a building with an elevator. The property includes communal courtyard, dishwash...

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa Nazario González. The property is on the 3rd floor of a building with an elevator. The property includes communal courtyard, dishwash...

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 5-bedroom apartment on R. Do Progreso. The property includes balcony.

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 5-bedroom apartment on R. Do Progreso. The property includes balcony.

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 5-bedroom apartment on R. Do Progreso. The property includes balcony.

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 5-bedroom apartment on R. Do Progreso. The property includes balcony.

Room for rent in 5-bedroom apartment in Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 5-bedroom apartment on R. Do Progreso. The property includes balcony.

Apartment for rent in , Vigo
Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom apartment on Rúa Nazario González. The property is on the 3rd floor of a building with an elevator. The property includes communal courtyard, dishwash...
Estadísticas de precios de habitaciones en la provincia de Pontevedra
El precio de una habitación en alquiler, tanto de particulares como de agencias, comienza desde 340 €. El precio medio para compartir piso se sitúa en 389 €. El costo de alquilar una habitación de lujo varía según múltiples factores, como la ciudad, el barrio, la antigüedad del edificio, la disponibilidad de ascensor y la calidad del inmueble, lo que puede hacer que el precio de estas habitaciones ascienda hasta 420 €.
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