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Duplex for sale in Calle El Durazno, 73, Tacoronte
Situada en el centro histórico de Tacoronte, Tu Casa Tacoronte es una obra nueva de viviendas en la que historia y modernidad se dan la mano para crear un nuevo espacio completamente confort...
In the city of Tacoronte the price of a cheap apartment starts at 129 000 € is because these properties do not enjoy the views or amenities, have many years, do not have the elevator or are not in better district. While the average price is 275 333 € per apartment, new homes and luxury homes cost up to 343 000 € these properties are expensive because of the better views, qualities, more m2 or its neighborhood and location in it.
List of all areas to buy real estate in Spain
At your disposal are the most popular areas and the number of houses, apartments, premises available to purchase or rent.