Plot For sell in Recas in Toledo
This land is at Travesía San Sebastián, 45211, Recas, Toledo. It is a land that has 2696 m2 .
Plot For sell in Recas in Toledo
This land is at Travesía San Sebastián, 45211, Recas, Toledo. It is a land that has 3553 m2 .
Plot For sell in Recas in Toledo
This land is at Calle el Tejar, 45211, Recas, Toledo. It is a land that has 748 m2 .
Plot For sell in Recas in Toledo
This land is at Travesía Doctor Cabañas, 45211, Recas, Toledo. It is a land that has 2546 m2 . Besides, it includes consolidated urban land and urbano. Find more http://www.akris.es
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